

OPEN CALL : Invitation to submit proposals for 2024

DEADLINE: 31 January 2024

About Beyond Emerging Artists

Since 2017, Beyond Emerging Artists (BEA) has provided three emerging artists in the UAE each year, with a platform from which to develop their practice and realise ambitious art projects. The selected artists undertake a year-long programme of workshops and studio visits under the guidance of a guest curator, leading toward the realisation of new projects for the Abu Dhabi Art Fair in November. The works remain on exhibition to the public for several months beyond the Abu Dhabi Art fair dates and travel for international exhibition the following year.

Discover previous participants in Beyond Emerging Artists on this link.

Beyond Emerging Artists is supported by the Friends of Abu Dhabi Art. Launched in 2021, Friends of Abu Dhabi Art is made up of individuals who are actively committed to supporting art and culture in the emirate. Discover more about Friends of Abu Dhabi Art on this link.

Eligibility Criteria to Participate

Only long-term residents in the UAE or UAE Nationals are eligible to apply for the Beyond Emerging Artists programme.

Only emerging artists can apply (this programme is not designed for established artists).

Applicants should be cultural practitioners with demonstrable commitment to their work as artists and ties to the local art community, having worked as professional artists for a minimum of 3 years.

Applicants should be willing to work closely with the appointed Guest Curator and the Abu Dhabi Art team on the development of their proposal and exhibition design.

The three appointed artists will be supported financially with the production of their proposed work for Abu Dhabi Art.

Applicants should be able to work within a fixed timeline and budget to deliver the commission by November 2024.


Proposals must be submitted by 31 January 2024

Shortlisted applicants may be contacted for interview on or by 22 February 2024. Successful applicants shall be notified of their appointment by 29 February 2024. Unsuccessful applicants shall also be notified by email at this time.

The nominated Artists shall begin monthly meetings online or in person with the Guest Curator to develop their proposal further in March and April.

The appointed Artists and Curator shall be announced to press by end April 2024.

The Artists shall receive 50% of their funding on submission of their final proposal in April 2024, with 25% paid in September 2024 and the final 25% paid on delivery of the finished artwork to the exhibition venue in November 2024.

The commissioned work must be completed and ready for exhibition by November 2024.

The artist must be available for media interviews (and training if required) and to provide tours of their work to guests of Abu Dhabi Art for the purpose of promoting their work to new audiences and developing the relevant skills to discuss their work in public.

How to apply

Please send your proposal to the following emails:

Your proposal should include the following:

- A brief biography of the artist
- A preliminary concept description, detailing what the work is about (350 words or more)
- A preliminary sketch or outline of what the proposed work will look like