

Abu Dhabi Art is an international art fair that brings together over 100 galleries from more than 30 countries each year.
The 17th edition will run from 16 – 20 November 2025 at Manarat Al Saadiyat.
Following the creation of a successful virtual art fair last year, Abu Dhabi Art will continue to offer a virtual platform for collectors to explore alongside the physical art fair.

Exhibitors are invited to submit proposals through the following sectors:

Modern & Contemporary
Open to Modern and Contemporary galleries presenting a wide range of works by different artists. Participation is open for galleries who have an operating for at least 7 years and their booth offering should offer curatorial frameworks for each presentation.

Special Projects
Solo or two artist presentation by galleries alongside the other sectors or as a standalone. Participation is open for galleries who have been operating for at least 3 years.

Artworks presented by the gallery must be under USD 3,000.

Emerging galleries operating less than 3 years are selected to participate at the fair for the first time.

Galleries in this sector are invited to participate with specific artists chosen by a guest curator.